Explore partnership opportunitiesScale digital capacity building with atingi

A free learning platform.
Free technical support.
Free e-learning expertise.

atingi’s free-of-charge learning management system is a cost-saving, scalable and sustainable way for organisations to implement non-profit digital capacity building in the Global South. We offer our platform plus technical support and digital learning project management resources, all 100% free-of-charge to those organisations who wish to conduct digital learning programmes with learners age 16+ residing in the Global South.

Join our growing network of 340+ partners!

I want to partner and use atingi for my project

Our impact map

Where can
atingi be used?

Our learners are based in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. atingi exclusively serves learners age 16+ who own an email account and have alphabetic literacy and therefore usually have completed basic education at minimum.

We look for partners who wish to use atingi to impact these learners through offering free-of-charge digital learning programs – whether by uploading content of their own or enrolling learners into our existing courses.

Partnership options with atingi

There are many areas in which you can partner with us, and we are always open to new and creative ways to partner. Our platform and large global partner network combined with GIZ’s international footing and activities allow for varied partnership formats to collaboratively fuel human capacity building and international development.

Course Publication

With our most popular partnership, you can create and host your e-learning courses on atingi, 100% free-of-charge. Upload or create courses with our inbuilt authoring tools and make them publicly accessible to our growing user base – or keep them in a private course room.

Course Promotion

Promote atingi’s courses to your beneficiaries and networks so that they can benefit from them – the more people are reached, the bigger the impact! If you reach more than 5,000 learners with your campaign, we feature your course on our website.

Course Certification

You can endorse courses by adding your logo to our certificates. This promotes your organisation to a relevant audience and increases the value of the certificate for the learner. Simply select the courses or topics you wish to support and be associated with.

Platform Integration

Do you already have an existing e-learning platform? Connect your platform to the atingi platform via APIs to display either platform’s course portfolio on the other one and leverage our growing learner base to supercharge your content’s outreach.

Why choose atingi as your learning platform?

Cost effective icon.


Using our free learning management system includes technical support & hosting, saving 3-year projects with an LMS requirement up to EUR 280,000.

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No platform design, setup nor maintenance: atingi is ready to go, enabling you to implement non-profit capacity building projects up to 12 months faster.

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Access a rapidly growing library of more than 400 free-of-charge public courses in ten different topics that are mostly openly licensed, enabling adaptation.

A hand, heart, and star icon.


80+ instructional & assessment features: webinar, forum, video, quiz, collaborative document editing, assignment & much more!

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atingi supports most instructional formats from tutored, to self-paced, peer-to-peer, gamified, MOOC and more!

Question and answer icon.


atingi currently offers 9 system languages, but 100+ languages can be added upon request.

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The LMS can be accessed online on all browser-enabled devices (e.g. smartphone, desktop, tablet) or offline through our Android app and our micro server solution ‘atingi in a box’.

Scalable icon.


Extend your reach through 700,000+ registered learners and atingi’s marketing and partner channels.

Manageable icon.


Easily create courses from scratch or import existing ones, make them public or private, manage your team’s editing access & view insightful analytics.

Certificate icon.


Design custom PDF-based diplomas or advanced Open Badges to automatically validate your learners’ accomplishments.

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The platform’s interface is easy to navigate; we conduct user testing on a regular basis and evolve the platform every month.

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Exchange e-learning and capacity building expertise as well as resources with our growing network of 200+ partners via free matchmaking and events.

Why does atingi provide a platform for free?

Our role as a digital learning platform developed by the German Development Cooperation is to provide a public good that reduces barriers to capacity building across the Global South.

Designing, setting up and maintaining a learning management system from scratch is costly, complex, time-consuming and drains scarce resources in non-profit projects from areas much more crucial for digital learning impact. Oftentimes, a LMS is set up by international development projects specifically for their individual undertaking. Unfortunately, these projects often lack reach and communities of practice, leading to underperforming results.

We want to avoid reinventing the wheel, save resources and ensure impact by providing a free, state-of-the-art and sustainable platform that our partners can leverage for their international development projects.

Many project-specific LMS are abandoned after some time due to government changes or depletion of maintenance resources, resulting in instability and a negative learner experience. atingi meanwhile is here to stay.

Based on the Principles for Digital Development, our platform is designed for scale, encourages the exchange and adaptation of existing digital learning resources, protects user data, most of its content is openly licensed, and certifications are aligned to open standards. It is also recognized as the standard tool for digital learning within GIZ and throughout German development cooperation.

We intend to reach millions of learners by 2025 and make culturally relevant, SDG-advancing courses – from environmental protection to employability, gender equality to digital skills, and so much more – accessible 100% for free!

I want to become a partner!

Partner testimonials

Partner success stories

Two ladies viewing content on a phone.
Project: FABRIC (GIZ)

Training Asian fashion factories in Greenhouse Gas Accounting & Chemical Management

The project FABRIC by end of 2022 had reached more than 11,000 learners with its “Climate Action Training for the Fashion Industry” and “Chemical Management” courses in 8 different languages, in partnership with UNFCCC and renown fashion brands like Adidas, Puma, H&M and Hugo Boss.

Project: eAcademy Tourism & Hospitality (GIZ)

Upskilling laid off tourism staff in sustainable tourism management concepts for employability

The Tourism & Hospitality eAcademy by end of 2022 had reached over 25,000 learners with its 40+ courses in English and French on how to run and support a sustainable tourism business, in partnership with organisations like TUI Care Foundation.

Two people walking over a bridge in a forest.

Our impact

Group of differently abled people stacking their hands.
Gender & Inclusion

Gender equality & inclusive e-learning

Women, girls and other marginalized groups often face significant barriers to accessing quality education, which hinders their personal development, economic independence, and political participation. At atingi we want to provide transformative learning opportunities to all.

Interested in partnering with us
and using atingi for digital learning?

Looking for additional information and shareable resources?
Visit our download section.

atingi linkedin pink

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