atingi FAQFind answers to your
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Getting started with atingi

What does “atingi” mean?

atingi means “to succeed” in the world language Esperanto.

How do I register on the atingi platform?

To be able to register on the atingi platform you first need an active personal email address.

To register on atingi, please follow these steps:
Go to https://online.atingi.org/auth/emailgiz/signup.php?lang=en_wp. Select your preferred language and enter your email address. Tick the box “Data privacy policy, Terms and conditions” to confirm that you have read them and agree to them. Then, click on “Next”.

Enter your password twice in line with the provided password security guidelines. Then, click on “Next”.

Check out this Learning nugget: https://online.atingi.org/course/view.php?id=3388 for more details on the importance of setting a safe and secure password.

Afterwards, an e-mail containing a registration link will be sent to the address you registered with. Please check your inbox and your spam folder (in case it is not in your inbox) for this e-mail and click on the link to complete your registration.

When you first log in, a window will open, where you can enter your personal information and set up your user profile. When you have filled out all mandatory fields, click on “Create my profile”.
A user tour will help you to find your way on the platform. You only have to follow this registration process when using atingi for the first time. Afterwards, you can simply log in via https://online.atingi.org/login/index.php?lang=en_wp with your email address and password.

How do I log in to atingi?

To log in to atingi, please go to https://online.atingi.org/login/index.php and insert your email and password. Please enter the e-mail address you registered with on the platform.

If you haven’t set up an account yet, please click on “Register”. After the registration, you can log in to atingi.

In which languages is the atingi platform available?

Right now, we support the languages German, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese and Arabic. Besides, there are courses in many other languages available. You can switch the language by clicking on the “world” symbol on the top right of your account.

Are the courses available in my language?

At the moment, we offer courses in twenty languages and more are being added on an ongoing basis. Please note that not all courses are available in all languages.

In which areas are courses available on atingi?

We offer courses in eight focus areas: Digital Skills and Transformation, Management and Leadership, Agriculture, Professional Orientation, Entrepreneurship, Health, Tourism and Hospitality, Governance and Decentralization.

Are all the courses on atingi certified?

Upon completion of a course, you will get an official certificate with the name of the course, your name and the date. Additionally, atingi supports “Open Badges” which are a tool to proof your success in certain activities.

What learning formats does atingi offer?

On atingi, we have self-paced courses as well as tutor led courses in smaller learning groups. Additionally, there are various activities that you can download and complete offline so that you can continue learning without having to use your mobile data.

Is atingi free of charge?

Yes, there are no additional costs when using atingi – our platform is and will always be free of charge.

Why are all courses and certificates on atingi free of charge?

All courses and certificates offered on atingi are completely free of charge. This is made possible due to the funding provided by the BMZ (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

atingi operates on a mission to democratise education and create equal opportunities for everyone, irrespective of their financial circumstances. By being financed by the BMZ, atingi can ensure that learners globally have access to high-quality educational resources without any financial barriers.

This commitment to providing free courses and certifications aligns with atingi’s core values of fostering inclusive education and empowering individuals worldwide to enhance their skills and pursue their goals without the burden of financial constraints. So, rest assured, you can explore, learn, and earn certificates on atingi completely free of charge.

Can I use atingi on my mobile?

Yes, atingi is fully responsive and adapts to a variety of screen sizes, including desktop, tablet and mobile. Like most mobile apps, atingis mobile display version may vary compared to the of the full atingi experience on a desktop/laptop.

How is my personal data protected when I use atingi?

atingi collects, stores and uses your data to offer its services. The processing and use of personal data complies with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union. For further information please see our privacy policy: Policies and agreements.

Do I have to register on atingi to get a first look at the courses?

To just get a first look at some of our courses, you don’t need to register on atingi. Just go to https://online.atingi.org/login/index.php and click on “Log in as a guest”. Please note that in this mode you can’t enrol in courses or participate in activities as these are for registered users only.

Learning with atingi

What to do if I have forgotten my username or password?

If you have forgotten your atingi username or password, please go to https://online.atingi.org/login/index.php and click on “Forgotten your username or password”. A window will open, where you need to insert your full e-mail address and click on “search”. Afterwards, an e-mail will be send to you, which contains a link to reset your password. Please make sure to check your spam folder for the e-mail as well and click on the link. You can then set up a new password with which you can log in to your atingi account. Your username is the e-mail address you used to register on atingi.

How can I find courses in the course library?

After having set up a profile on atingi, you can find our courses under the seven topics “Digital Skills & Transformation”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Management & Leadership”, “Professional Orientation”, “Health”, “Agriculture” and “Governance & Decentralization”. You can also select “See all courses” for an overview of all our courses. In the so-called “content library” you can additionally filter by language.

If you are looking for a specific course and know its name, you can also search it via the search bar at the top right of the page.

If you are interested in a course, just click “Enrol me” to participate. It will then appear on your dashboard.

How do I find my courses?

After having created an atingi account and having enroled yourself in courses, you can find all your courses on the “dashboard”. This is the page that appears when you log in to atingi or click on the “Home” button on the top left. From here you can see your progress in each course and “launch” them to continue your course activities.

How do I get back to the homepage?

To get back to your homepage, where you can also find your personal dashboard, use the navigation bar at the top left of the page and either click on the atingi logo or on the button “Home”.

How do I access and edit my profile?

You can access your profile from the user menu at the top right, where your avatar or picture is being displayed. Clicking on it will display your name and email address as well as a small icon that says “profile”. In your profile other options will display, such as a list of your courses, any forum and blog entries and a link to edit your profile. By clicking the cog item on the top right, you can edit your profile. This will allow you to change certain information such as your time zone, add a picture, description and, optionally, extra contact details. Here, you can also edit your preferences for language or notifications. However, you cannot change your username.

How do I manage my notification preferences?

atingi can notify you about new forum posts or graded assignments and more. You can receive these alerts via email or pop up, and you can control how you receive them from your personal profile page. For this, click at the top right, where your avatar or picture is being displayed and then click on “Profile”. Click the cog item on the top right, this will display a drop-down list with different options, select notifications preferences, and a list with different options will show, select how you want to manage your preferences.

How can I participate in an activity?

After having enroled yourself in a course, you can find all your courses on the “dashboard”. This is the page that appears when you log in to atingi or click on the “Home” button on the top left. From here you can see your progress in each course and “launch” them to continue your course activities. Some activities are only enabled after you have successfully completed other activities, other one’s are only available within a specific time frame. You can see these details below the activity.

Where do I find my certificates or badge?

After the completion of a course, you receive a certificate which you can find at the very end of each course. Additionally, you can find all the certificates that have been issued to you for completing a course under “My Certificates” at the top of the atingi page. From there you can also view and download them. Please note that sometimes it might take some time for the certificate to be ready after you have completed a course. Your badges can be found within your courses via the site navigation – “user badges”.

How do I find my overall grades obtained?

Within a course you can access all your grades via the navigation on the left by clicking on “Grades”

Why can’t I access a course I want to enrol in?

Some of our courses are not publicly available and require a registration code to participate in them. If you are on the page of a course and it doesn’t say “Enrol me” on the bottom, it is very likely that this is a non-public course. Also make sure that you are logged in to your atingi user account and not using “guest access”, which enables you to see courses but not participate in them.

Can I get locked out of my account?

The access to your account is being blocked if you entered a wrong password five times or have not confirmed your identity when being asked to enter a code before logging in to atingi. You will not be able to log in for 30 minutes before you can try again.

If you are being asked to confirm your identity by providing a code, please go to your e-mail, check your inbox and spam folder and enter the confirmation code that has been sent to you by atingi. Afterwards, you can proceed to log in.

If you have forgotten your password, please click on the following link to reset your password: https://online.atingi.org/login/forgot_password.php

atingi is your flexible 24/7 study partner, optimised for all digital devices and available on the go. Get started now and learn whenever it suits you best.

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