Together, fostering inclusive and innovative e-learning within the realm of public finance

The project Good Financial Government (BFG Buena gobernanza financiera para una recuperación verde e inclusiva implemented by the GIZ in Central America) from El Salvador is supporting atingi to facilitate and promote the usage of the e-learning platform across Central America and the Caribbean – especially within finance ministries, tax administrations, Supreme Audit Institutions, environmental ministries, and institutions within the Central American Integration System (SICA). Additionally, they are partnering with GIZ projects in Latin America to bridge the knowledge and digitalization divide. 

Educational technology like atingi is reshaping the landscape of education and learning. It empowers individuals with tools that widen access to education and knowledge. Its transformative potential is most pronounced when directed towards fortifying institutions for effective governance, thereby generating social and economic progress aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals in Central America and the Caribbean.

The consolidation of initiatives and alignment of ideals between atingi and the Good Financial Governance program has catalyzed a series of significant achievements that are driving the digital transformation in Central America and the Caribbean. Currently, more than six partners across five countries in the region have committed to utilizing atingi. It is tailored for use in the domains of Public Finance and Audit Institutions, thus aiding in reducing the knowledge gap and promoting digitialization.

A series of noteworthy actions have unfolded:

1. atingi's visit to Central America

From 28.08.2023 to 30.08.2023 representatives from the atingi team visited El Salvador’s GIZ offices and offered a "Regional Workshop on the usage of atingi and best practices in digital learning". Over 100 participants, including representatives from Ministries of Finance, Tax Administrations, the Court of Accounts, and different GIZ programs, came together. This workshop not only served for training on the platform but also facilitated meaningful connections between various institutions and individuals. The technical training equipped them to not only comprehend the workings of platform but also to design customized courses and be able to share their learnings with others.

2. Virtual Training for Regional Partners

Multiple workshops and induction sessions have been conducted by atingi specialists for different counterparts in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, and Costa Rica. These workshops mark the beginning of a series of initiatives aimed at empowering citizens and enhancing the capabilities of public officials in the field of public finance through e-learning. Topics of interest encompass internal training among institutional experts and initiatives aimed at promoting tax compliance awareness among citizens and increasing their understanding of public finance matters.

3. First e-learning course on Public Finance in Central America

We are excited to progress further by introducing the first course on resilient public investments on atingi. This course will expand the impact of the efforts from our partner BGF SICA to bolster the capacities of officials from the Public Investment System in Honduras and subsequently across the Central American and Caribbean region. The inaugural workshop, titled "Social Pricing and Project Shielding," aims to facilitate access to knowledge for achieving resilient public investments that yield social benefits and prepare the region for climate change. Through asynchronous learning, they will reach over 100 officials in Honduras, enabling them to enhance their capabilities and foster a shared understanding of the significance of resilient and sustainable public investments. Subsequently, this workshop can be adopted by other National Public Investment Systems in the region, extending its reach and benefits.

Only by aligning our cooperative objectives under the auspices of the German Federal Government, and combining the efforts of atingi, GIZ programmes in the region, and our partners, we can unlock a cascade of integrated solutions that have a more significant impact. These efforts contribute to the digital transformation and make innovations accessible to people worldwide.

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Participants attending a workshop
atingi team presenting the learning platform
atingi specialist presenting e-learning best practices